Chemical Attack in Syria

Chemical Attack in SyriaSyria

There was the sound of planes in the sky above their heads

Then explosions whilst the innocent slept in their beds

And entire families were unaware as the gas rained down

Upon blameless civilians in northern Syria’s Idlib town.

People ran into the streets choking for their very breath

Convulsing, retching and gasping and then the death

Of over seventy people, including young children too

And chemicals poured from war planes as they flew.

With foaming mouths, dilated eyes, and children that cried

As in their numbers they asphyxiated, collapsed and then died

Some of the survivors helped douse others with water

As the death toll rose amidst this evil slaughter.

Hours later a hospital treating the injured, was hit

But the Syrian military have said they do not admit

And take no responsibility and categorically reject

Any involvement in this crime in any aspect.

Very few of the hospitals have the capacity to cope

With such an attack in this place of no hope

One doctor said he saw whole families that were killed

And could do nothing to help however much he is skilled.

This attack should strike at the very core of humanity

How much longer will the world watch this insanity

As this strike quite clearly is a war crime

And cannot be ignored in this world of our time.

This raid indicates Bashar Assad’s growing confidence

And refocuses on the failure of international incompetence

In preventing the worst abuses of Syria’s heinous war

With its regime that we say we all so abhor.

And as no political solution is still not in sight

The world will continue to witness this fight

With our world leaders with warnings – there’s a price to pay

It’s the civilians paying the heaviest, at the end of the day.

3 thoughts on “Chemical Attack in Syria

  1. Your words crystallize the genocide that has take place in Syria and the perpetrators being Assad and his supporter Putin.

    The world can no longer stand by and watch this going on day by day. The use of Sarin is outlawed and is criminal and must be stopped.

    We must stop just using words and take action against Assad and make him stand trial for his actions.


  2. Your words crystallize the genocide that has take place in Syria and the perpetrators being Assad and his supporter Putin.

    The world can no longer stand by and watch this going on day by day. The use of Sarin is outlawed and is criminal and must be stopped.

    We must stop just using words and take action against Assad and make him stand trial for his actions.


  3. It is difficult to put into words the sight of innocent men women and children being gassed by that monster Assad and his apologist Putin. CA Warren-Howles manages to do this in eloquent rhyme. I cannot begin to suggest a solution, but with all the so called negotiating skills of the “heavy weight powers”, you’d think someone could knock a few heads together and come up with a solution.


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